tattoo supplies is from ,that is a leading worldwide professional tattoo supply online you can understand how to use tattoo supplies, See beautiful tattoo products, know the famous tattoo artist.
Friday, 13 June 2014
What you need to buy in tattoo supplies?
I know in the tattoo circle, there are lots of people who ever learn painting in the school time. after graduating from school, many people engaged in the work relevant drawing. Actually i want to make it more clear that tattoo is also a work involving painting. But that dose not mean you just have the superb painting skill could make a success in tattoo industry. What i want to tell you that you should purchase tattoo supplies for yourself. 1. A Tattoo Machine. This is the primary instrument of tattooing. It's best to refer to it as a tattoo machine and not a tattoo gun - professions kind of scorn the term 'gun' as trite. In any event, this gun-like device is what most everyone is familiar with when it comes to tattooing. Learning how handle, clean, and properly load a tattoo gun is something you'd want to learn. 2. Tattooing Needles. The tattoo needles are instrumental in performing the job - without them, there be no way to get the ink into the skin. Tattoo machines work with two different types of needles, known as shader and liner needles. Shader needles make it easier to color wider or larger areas, whereas liner needles are used to perform detailed work and outlining work. 3. Tattoo Inks. Tattoo ink and the needles work in tandem with the machine to inject skin into the flesh. For starters needing the least amount of tattoo supplies, black of course is the most common tattoo ink color used. If only a 2-3 other inks were to be purchased, the colors to pick would likely be: red, green, and blue. 4. A Power Supply. A tattoo machine is not battery operated! A good power supply needs to be hooked up to the unit for it to function. If affordable, seek out a power supply that offers control from a pedal switch that can be operated by stepping on them with your feet. This leaves the artists hands free to focus and guide the actual tattoo work being done without needing to be concerned about supplying power to their unit. The tattoo supplies above i list just the most important for the tattoo artist, of cause there are also some other supplies you should have. For instance, ink caps, gloves and fake skin to practice on and others. If you want to save money,you could treat the drinking cup as the ink cap. But for the customers it look like not very professional and sanitary. I think it is all depends on your real situation. And DVD, if you have master the tattoo skill, i think you could spend less time on it, which tell the starters some method to learn tattoo and some common problem.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Tattoo supplies free shipping
As a tattoo artist, you’re in constant need of having the right tattoo supplies, and if you’re just starting to experiment with tattoos even, you’re in need of having the right tattoo kit. As a tattoo artist you’ll have most of the information you need about what products you need from a tattoo supply company and unfortunately discovered that these vendors tend to focus on selling to larger, established tattooing facilities. Of course, beginner tattooist need a start too, and will need to find a tattoo supply vendor that will sell them the tattoo supplies they need, such as tattoo kits, inks, and designs.
Order best tattoo supplies When you’re just starting out, you’ll want to order from a tattoo supplies store that has good feedback, that offers things like a satisfaction guarantee, and that you can find reviews about. There’s no way to kill your career faster than to buy tattoo supplies from a untrustworthy vendor and end harming your clients by giving them bad tattoos, or worse, by spreading disease or illnesses with dirty tattoo supplies products. If you find the right tattoo supply vendor, they will work with you, no matter what stage you’re at in your business, and even if you’re wanting to order just one single tattoo kit.
Tattoo supplies for beginners As a beginner, you’ll first need to find some good tattoo supplies which will include the main and most important tattoo supply you’ll ever need: a good gun, also called a tattoo machine. The tattoo machine is the primary tool utilized in tattooing, but it would be absolutely useless without using other supplies that you’ll receive in your beginner tattoo kits. You’ll also receive extra things like needles, ink, and a power supply, which you’ll need in order to run the gun. For instance, you may be incredible at doing tattoos that are tribal and intricate, which would mean you would need a certain kind of needles in order to achieve that look, as well as having a tattoo supplies on hand like black tattoo ink in order to always be able to serve your customers.
The price of Tattoo supplies The last thing you need to consider when looking for tattoo supplies online is the cost. You may find a good retailer that offers a wide variety at different price ranges, but how do those prices stack up? This is one of the things that make shopping on the Internet so convenient, the price comparison. After comparing the price, then you can choose the best tattoo supplies with the cheapest price.
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Your studio need to choose a powerful tattoo machine
Tattoo is an expression of art, life, and freedom that has been in used for
many generations of different people and civilization. The modern society
still uses tattoo but making it more colorful and intense in design and
meaning. Tattoo equipments and tools have also change and developed in the
past years. The slow and painful tattoo needles have improved to be much
faster and bearable. The equipment has also been commercialized to give
even the normal people to learn tattooing and practiced it. Tattooing is in
another good means of financial resource.
Tattoo machine kits are available and presented presently in many shops
and stores. Online offers are also abundant and suggest tattoo machine kits
with some price consideration. DinoDirect online shop has some tattoo
machine kits to offer for their customers. Their products has promising
benefit to make tattooing much easier to do and learn. The tattoo machine
kits create tattoos with very distinctive colors. It can be applied as
permanent beauty make-up or as body art.
So, you a tattoo artist wondering whether it time to give rotary tattoo
machines a run for their money? Ok, then read on as this may give you a
little more insight and help you decide whether to splash the cash.
It true that coil machines are the industry standard and with good reason
they adjustable and can be personalized to the artist needs, but rotary
machines shouldn be written off as they have their advantages too.
Firstly, the electric motor which drives the needle in a rotary machine is
way lighter than the electromagnetic circuit in your coil machine meaning
you can get more work done in a single sitting before your arm drops off!
Plus the virtually silent operation is a big bonus. You know those clients
that come into your shop full of bravado but who turn a deathly shade of
ghost as soon as they hear the buzzing of the machine? Chances are they
stand a better chance of toughing it out if the machine you working on then
with is scaring the living daylights out of them!
Are used for both lining and shading so you can complete an entire tattoo
with one machine Lighter and easier to handle than coil machines forget
finger cramps and work longer in one sitting ?They quiet! This is a huge
advantage over noisy coil machines. 1st time and nervous clients are fooled
into thinking the tattoo won hurt as much without that wonderfully grating,
buzzing noise! Maintenance-free. Concentrate on your work without stressing
about broken parts and snapped elastic bands
Rotary machines definitely have their fans although many artists would
argue that the coil machine is still the way to go due to its adjustable
nature. To forsake the coil machine entirely would probably not be a great
idea but as a back-up for when you don have the spare parts or the time to
stop and mend a broken coil machine mid-job, a rotary machine can be a
It definitely worth any tattoo studio investing in a couple of rotary
tattoo machines you never know you might even find yourself falling for
their sleek, lightweight bodies, smooth running mechanics and non-ear-
shattering silence!
Prices can vary wildly and you can pay well into $100 of dollars, so make
sure you shop around and check out a good selection of the many online
suppliers as you definitely be able to find some reasonably priced kit.
Friday, 6 June 2014
Purchasing a Tattoo Gun
All craftspeople are only as good as the tools they use. It doesn matter if they are carpenters or tattoo artists. Tattooing is an art and is mostly dependent on the skills of the artist and the equipment that he is using. The type of equipment will determine the quality of tattoo too. A tattoo gun is the most central piece of tattoo equipment. If you are serious about tattooing, then your tattoo gun purchase is very important. Whether you are looking for a tattoo gun in order to start practicing the art of tattoo, or you are looking to supply a tattoo parlor, purchasing a tattoo gun is a very big step. Let us show you how to go about it.The first thing you need to know before purchasing a tattoo gun is the type of materials a good tattoo gun is made of. Tattoo guns need to be made of high quality metal. This will keep them from breaking when you are doing a tattoo. Tattoo guns are traditionally made of conductive materials such as iron, brass or copper. Look for tattoo guns made of these strong types of metal to be sure you are getting one that is a high quality.The second thing you need to know about purchasing a tattoo gun is what size and variety of gun to purchase. Tattoo guns usually serve one purpose-either "lining" or "shading". Many stores will sell a "lining" gun and a "shading" gun together for one price. On the other hand, some guns are made to be "liners" and "shaders". These versatile machines are usually more expensive and more powerful and should be used by experienced tattoo artists only. This is because a tattoo machine needs to be tuned to switch between lining and shading functions. A tattoo gun that serves both purposes will need to be tuned often.If you are new to the art of tattooing, you should consider purchasing a tattoo gun in a kit. These kits are available everywhere and are great for tattoo artists who are just starting out. Many of these kits come with a "lining" gun and a "shading" gun as well as a wide variety of additional supplies.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
How To Use a Tattoo Gun
You may find it easy to assemble homemade tattoo guns, but the first version of tattoo gun came out in 1800s and those guns become one of the essential equipment for tattooing with nearly 200 years developing.
Tattoos are visual expressions of a person personality and character. In some countries, tattoos are part of their culture and heritage. You will see women and men bodies and faces adorned by tattoos of different design and sizes. The popularity of tattoos has extended from countries that consider tattoos as part of their culture to countries that regard tattoos as aesthetic expressions. Giving tattoos is a legitimate field that can be very profitable. If you want to take tattooing as a hobby or a business venture, you have to first know how to use a tattoo gun. Read on to learn more about that.
Study the mechanism carefully. Tattoo guns come with their owner manuals that you can refer to. Before using it, read the manual and familiarize yourself with the different components that make up the whole mechanism.
Insert the needles. There are two kinds of needle arrangement, the liner and shader needles. Liner needles are arranged in a circular pattern while shader needles are lined up straight. Insert the appropriate number of needles according to the manual. Use only disposable and sterile needles. Make sure that they are sealed in their containers prior to using them.
Plug the tattoo gun to a power supply. The voltages of both the socket and the plug should match. The gun should be whirring by now. Ready the ink. Most tattoo ink will come in a little plastic tub with a lid. Usually, the easiest method is just to pour a little bit of the ink into the plastic lid and set it on the work bench to use as needed. Dip the needle that is in the tattoo gun into the ink.
Start tattooing. Stencil the design on the body part prior to tattooing it permanently. When you are done, remove the needles and dispose of them properly. Clean the tattoo gun so it is ready for use on the next client. Replace the needles with fresh ones.
The most important thing to remember when you are tattooing is that you have to replace the needles every time you finish tattooing a client. Infectious diseases like AIDS and HIV and other blood diseases can be passed on through infected needles. Use fresh, sterile and disposable needles for each of your clients. Do not compromise the health of your clients by being frugal in using needles. Be responsible. Once a person is infected through your unhygienic needles, it is very hard to impossible to treat the disease that is contracted. Toss out rusty needles.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
How To Become a Tattoo Artist
Tattoo is an hot industry in the world, especially in America. To be a good tattoo artist, it is not a simple thing, you need practice, practice and constantly practice.
1. The first thing you need is raw talent. Someone who can't draw or color inside the lines isn't going to be a good candidate for being a tattoo artist.
2. Then you need to hone your raw talent to develop talent into skill. Skill can come from fine art classes, working with a fellow artist, learning technique from books, or all of the above. On top of that, you need to practice, practice, practice. You need to know how to handle the tattoo machine skillfully, how to match the tattoo inks, how to make an fluent outline and so on. All of the things should be taken into consideration.
3. Once you're a competent artist on paper, you'll need to build a portfolio. A portfolio is a case or binder containing examples of your art, to show your different skills.
4. The next thing you need is an apprenticeship. An apprentice is someone who learns a skill from someone else already skilled in the trade. Sometimes an apprenticeship can be free, but many times they cost thousands of dollars. You will need to find a way to save or acquire the money needed for your training.
5. Then you need to find an apprenticeship - but not just any apprenticeship - you need to find the right one for you. One with a master you feel you can truly learn from - not someone just offering apprenticeships to make money. Getting an apprenticeship can be a challenge, so I recommend you read How to Get an Apprenticeship to learn more specifically what you need to do.
6. In addition to needing money for your apprenticeship, you will also need to be able to sustain yourself during training. Unless you are independently wealthy, you'll need to hold down a regular job at the same time you are serving your apprenticeship. You will not be earning money in the shop during your training.
7. Once you are an apprentice, you will learn many skills from your teacher, most of them having nothing to do with actual drawing. You will learn how to safely clean your equipment, how to operate a tattoo machine, how to adjust your power supply, how to protect yourself and your clients from disease, and last but not least - how to correctly apply a tattoo. This can take many months to learn completely.
8. During your time as an apprentice, you will continue to practice and hone your drawing skills. You are not limited to only gaining knowledge from your teacher - you may also have the opportunity to spend time learning from other artists as well. Getting tattooed is a good way to watch and learn the techniques of other master tattoo artists.
9. There's no formal graduation from an apprenticeship. Generally, the teacher decides when the student is ready to venture off on their own. Sometimes a contract was signed at the beginning of the apprenticeship, and the terms will vary. But as long as you are not under contract to continue for a certain length of time or prevented from working for a competing shop, you can decide to stretch your wings when you feel you have learned all you can from your teacher.
10. No matter how long you apprentice or how long you tattoo, you never know it all. There is always more to learn, new techniques to adopt, new ways to enhance what has already been done. Never be satisfied with mediocrity, and never allow yourself to become egotistical. Keep it in your mind that a successful tattoo artist should be always doing a ihard work for more skill.
How to choose suitable tattoo patterns ?
The most trouble thing that many tattoo amateurs care about is not the pain of tattoo, but choosing the suitable tattoo designs. So how to choose tattoo patterns to suit yourself? I will give you a general introduction about different meanings that different designs represented. Read this article, it will help you do a better choice for your tattoo in the future.
You should keep in your mind that the different designs have different meanings. This is the most important part when choosing the patterns. There are many different kinds of patterns such as tribal tattoos, star tattoos, angel tattoos, wings, sun designs, sword designs, skull tattoo designs, flower tattoos, Kanji tattoo symbols, pinup girl tattoos, crown tattoo designs and so on. Each tattoo design has its own meaning. you can see the next as a reference.
The most popular tribal tattoos are the Maori tribal design, the Haida and Polynesia design. People also have a great interest in the native Americans design. The tribes culture, from traditional tribal, the indigenous tattoo and the aboriginal culture to the latest plain design for institutional tribal tattoo.
The star design is a kind of symbol of popular. As a light shining in the darkness, the star is often considered a symbol of truth, of the spirit and of hope.It was a traditional tattoo design that the favorite of celebrities and the tattoo amateurs loved most. Nowadays, the men, women, and the navigation star tattoo has experienced strong recovery.
The angel design has become increasingly popular as a way to express their beliefs and a symbol of power, it is in memory of tattoo.
The wing tattoo design is a symbol of both spiritual and magical. It is popular with the men and women. The design includes the angel wings, the wings of butterfly or a fairy tale, even the wings of a bird.
The sun as a tattoo design is a reflection of the Sun’s profound symbolic nature in most cultures around the world. The sun was worshipped as a personified, life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and almost every other major civilizations of history. The sun and sun figure was almost always the predominant figure within the pantheon of those spiritual belief systems.
As a warrior’s symbol, the sword is often emblematic of military honor and should incite the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue. It is symbolic of liberty and strength. During the middle ages, the sword was often used as a symbol of the world of god.
Skulls are represented in a number of tattoo design genres, and a classic tattoo design that has been popular for generations of tattoo enthusiasts. Skull represents the death and rebirth. The Europe and the United States punk like this type of tattoo very very much.
Flower tattoo design and symbol can be far more than the pretty pictures and beautiful girls. It is a reflect of concise symbols, life birth death and rebirth. Generally speaking, the flowers include chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, lily, lotus flower, rose etc. Each specific flower represents different beliefs in different culture.
For example, the rose tattoo is a symbol of love. It is popular in both men and women.
For women, the pinup girl tattoos account for a large proportion, it is a symbol of enchanting, charming, sexy and desire. While the Kanji tattoo is a symbol of friendship and forever.
As a symbol of a tattoo, the royal does not just mean power. Crown tattoo, a symbol of the sovereignty of the individual, life, emotions, thoughts, and actions. Crown, symbolizing the self-control, and remind the use of power, authority, wise and fair.
Up to now, do you have a clear understanding about tattoo design? I hope this article can help you in some way. What’s more, you’d better know the tips of choosing tattoo machines, as a result, you can have a perfect tattoo.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Tips for buying tattoo guns
If you want to become a professional tattoo artist, make sure to learn some crucial facts about tattoo guns. A tattoo gun contains tattoo ink which is pushed out to the skin to make different styles and patterns. Without a good tattoo gun, a good craft cannot be created. In order to ensure the design of your tattoo develops well, you’ll need to hold this equipment at a proper angle and grip it firmly around the needle tube. Otherwise, you will not be able to produce nice designs. But, before learning to grip this, you need to know how to purchase this device. Here are some tips on purchasing a good and effective tattoo gun.
How to buy tattoo machine guns?
Tattoo guns can be made of different metals and to ensure that you buy a long-lasting and durable machine, investigate about the quality of the metal used in it. A poor quality metal will not be able to handle pressure and thus, break down. That’s why focus mainly on copper, brass or iron products.
For beginners, buying a separate tattoo gun liner and tattoo shader is fine. But, if you are experienced, you can choose a machine which can perform both the tasks. However, the machine has to be strong and it would need proper tuning and settings.
Tattoo guns are available at both low and high prices. The advanced models usually come at higher prices because of their performance and strength. But, if you have just started out in this field, it will be better to get hands on a cost-effective model for practice. Once your hands are set, you can go for higher end models.
Finally, always buy tattoo guns from reliable retailers/ wholesalers. There are many companies which manufacture these products, but not all of them are good. Also, some retailers and wholesalers keep poor quality materials in their stock and charge excessive rates. To make your purchase safe and profitable, it is better to deal with a reputable vendor. There are many vendors who sell this equipment online. You can visit their sites and read product details before finalizing your choice.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
excellent and professional tattoo power supply
As we all know,tattoo power supply is the core of the tattoo machine,so,the quality of the tattoo power supply is of great importance. But how can we find excellent and professional tattoo power supply?Now,please give me your attention. I will show you some of my company’s products.
Firstly, I will introduce the power box,which is the important part of the tattoo power supply. In our store,there are so many styles that you can chose anyone you want. All of them are stable and can operate any tattoo machine in the market . Nearly most power box will be hot when you use it for some times,but, our tattoo box solves this problem perfectly. So you don’t need to stop your work when you are tattooing. And some of our tattoo boxes are LCD, this can save your time to perceive how long have you been working when you are working. And we also have Hurricane Digital Tattoo Machine Power Supply Kit Simply Version,this is the newest design,it can stop watch ,so you can accurately keep track of time taken on a job. And as to the size, our store also have different design. You can chose any one you like.
Secondly,the foot pedal of the tattoo power supply is worthy to be introduced. It’s one part of the tattoo power supply.Both traditional foot pedal or advanced foot pedal can be seen in our store. The difference is that the advanced foot pedal is wireless. Introducing the cutting edge WIRELESS RECHARGEABLE tattoo power supply with WIRELESS FOOT PEDAL. Equipped with the latest rechargeable battery, this rechargeable power supply can work for up to 8 hours (result varies) before it has to be charged again. Coupled with the wireless foot pedal, this power supply is a must have for portability!
Thirdly,the clip cord of the tattoo power supply is also essential. What’s the feature of he clip core of our company’s tattoo power supply is easy to be installed and you just need to insert your RCA plug into your tattoo machine. So ,it’s easy,right?
The last but not the least,I will show you the power cord of the . Our company’s power cord are humanized. For direct at different county’s consumer ,we have different design. You can chose any one according to your habit and your country’s trend.
What’s more ,concerning on the above tattoo power supply, you don’t need to concern about the quality,because, we are all in strict accordance with the standards.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Tattoo Needles – The Most Vital Component in Tattoo Supplies
Tattooing is quite a favorite choice for a large number of people today. The tattoo parlors are also available in plenty to meet this increasing demand. Also, unlike the olden times where there were pretty much fixed patterns to be tattooed, not its possible to get any of your dream images to be tattooed on to the skin. The designs can be made even by using the advanced computer graphics technology. For those who are planning to make use of the situation to start a tattoo parlor, it is essential to have some basic tattoo supplies. One of the inevitable and most precious element needed for perfect tattooing are tattoo needles. While tattooing, the needle is used to supply the ink rightly on to the skin.
Basics about tattoo needles
The tattoo needles are having a specific design with many sharp ends attached to a bar. These ends were called the sharps, which may vary from three to nine or more based on the image to be imprinted on to the skin, at the desecration of the artist. The tattoo needles are used to penetrate human skin to supply the ink on to it. The liner needles on the other hand are used to apply ink to the outline to form the tattoo. It was just a single needle in the application until a couple of decades ago; however, now application of single needle is very rare and at a minimum, three needles are utilized normally to form the outline.
There are also shading needles used to shade the tattoo and to further fill it with colors. Shading needles can vary from nine to above. These are usually called as magnum needles and are usually arranged in a double-row pattern. These needles are used to blend colors and add more realistic finish to the tattoo.
There are various opinions among the users on which type of needles actually hurt. Many believe that outlining is more painful than shading, as it comes first in the tattooing process. Adding to this fact, outlining also requires continuos movements also when compared to the shading process, in which the artist need to stop at every single move and check. As an artist, it is essential to choose the top-quality tattoo needles in order to get the best-desired finish as well as to offer the clients a pain-free experience.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Common Problems With a Tattoo Machine
1. Turn up the Voltage to Max to get the tattoo Machine to Run
Troubleshoot: This is likely the same issue as No. 3 where your springs do not have enough tension. Same fix as No.3.
Fix: Loosen the back spring screw, flip the back spring/armature bar/front spring assembly around and turn it around so that the front spring is facing downward on the other side of the frame (basically you did a 180 with the assembly). Carefully bend the back spring downward to create more tension, do this a little at a time, a little goes a long way. Put the assembly back in its original position and tighten.
2. Sparking Between the Front Spring and Contact Screw
Troubleshoot: Some tattoo machines will spark a little bit but if you get excessive sparking then it may be a problem. Possible causes of excessive sparking is a rear spring that has been bent too tight, installation of a new front spring that has been plated or a bad capacitor.
Fix: Rear spring too tight
This would be the opposite of bending the rear spring for more tension, loosen the back spring screw, flip the back spring/armature bar/front spring assembly around and turn it around so that the front spring is facing downward on the other side of the frame (basically you did a 180 with the assembly). Carefully bend the back spring upward to decrease the tension. Put the assembly back in its original position and tighten.
Fix: New front spring
Not much of a fix here to be honest, you’ll just need to run the machine for a while till the contact screw takes off the plating layer and then it should stop sparking. If your machine is brand new and is sparking, this may be the fix for it.
Fix: Bad capacitor
If you have a capacitor that is the wrong UF, then it may cause the sparking. Liners will need to run a lower UF and shaders will need to run a higher UF capacitor. You may want to drop by Radioshack to pick up a few and test them with your setup. They are easy to solder on and off.
3. Needles are Chewing up the Skin
Troubleshoot: This is a tough one as it may simply boil down to lack of experience working with your needle depth. However, if this pertains to problems with a tattoo machine, two possible causes is your armature bar/springs assembly is crooked or your frame geometry is messed up.
Fix: The armature bare/springs assembly is a simple one as you’ll just need to ensure that the back spring connecting to the front spring and the armature below are positioned so they form a straight line in relation to the back binding post. There are tools that you can use to ensure you have them straight but generally speaking, eyeballing will do just fine. If your frame geometry is messed up, your out of luck, look at the machine from the top, midline and forward position from the back binding post. If the frame is noticeably bent in any of these views, you have bad geometry. Also, if you put the grip in and you can see that it is going in at a slant, same deal. It’s possible to bend the frame, if this is the case, please see the next troubleshoot on our list.
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Tattoo Machines – Choosing the Safest and Most Functional Tools
Tattooing is having an increased acceptance lately among all sort of people across the world. The increasing number of tattooing clinics is the evidence of its increasing popularity. On planning for a tattooing business, it is essential for you to have a better understanding about the tattoo machines, tools, and supplies in order to get hold of the best. The tattoo machines or otherwise called the tattoo guns are the most essential tool used in tattooing. For those who are seriously longing to get some beautiful body art done on their skin, the tattoo machines as a part of the tattoo kits is an essential component to make your dreams come true.
History of tattoo machines
As per the documentation, the first ever tattoo machine was invented by the most famous inventor of all times, Thomas Alva Edison. The year of this invention was back in 1870; however the first line of machines were not that good enough in order to offer perfection while tattooing. Edison then tried to use this as an engraving machine; and later after a few years, a few other scientists tried to modify Edison’s machines in order to make it capable of applying ink directly on to human skin. This was when the first-generation tattoo machines were born.
New generation machines
However, this initial model had then undergone a lot of renovations and modernization and further achieved more and more perfection to exactly get the figure on to the skin, which the artists have in their mind with 100% perfection. The new-generation machines used for tattooing at the modern clinics are using electromagnets, which easily control the entire tattooing process.
The new model tattoo machines also allow the professionals to have a better control on handling the functional aspects like the needle speed, depth of piercing, as well as force to be applied etc. In an expert’s hand, a tattoo machine can act as a smooth brush to make the most desired strokes and give a perfect finish to the art. Tattoo machines are available in different sizes also, varying in its pricing and functionality, which can be used for personal usage as well as at a highly professional level. There are online options too to purchase tattoo guns from different manufacturers from the globe, where you can find the best deals at the most affordable pricing.
Friday, 16 May 2014
The common problem of the tattoo machine use
During the tattooing processing,some beginners often meet different and difficult problem trouble their jobs.what’s more,they do not know the reasons and how to solve the problem. For this phenomenon, i will show you some common problem involving the use of the tattoo machine are as follows. And the beginners and artists could examine the function of the tattoo machine and guarantee their tool’s quality. In this case, the artists could tattoo great tattoo images to the customers and establish a good brand for themself.
The problem could lead to needles’nonwork on the skin
The tattoo artists could not adjust the tattoo machine in a right way.
The length of the tattoo needle is too big to run on the skin.
3. The point of needle is curved or hooked.
4. The rate of recurrence of tattoo machine is slow often be ignored by the artists.
5. The supply voltage of tattoo machine is too low.
The problem could causing the tattoo machine sometimes it works sometimes does’t work
The tattoo could not get a right electric shock.
The tattoo machine is overheat after the long time working
The connection point of the tattoo machine is contaminated by something.
I sincerely hope my suggestion could do you a favor and you can have a successful career. If you have any question and request don’t hesitate to contact me any time or land tattoo wiki.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
How to choose to tattoo supplies
It is a common social phenomenon that tattoo is especially prevalent in the whole world. It plays an important part for both youths and adults. It is a form of art, representing the personality, fashion and people’s modern thoughts. If you are a tattoo artist, how to choose tattoo supplies is of great importance. For one thing is that you should guarantee your customers health by using the sterile tattoo supplies. For another, you can build up your shop’s reputation with the high quality of equipment. Of course, a wide variety of tattoo supplies is needed in your shop.
Generally speaking, tattoo supplies include these basic equipment as follow:
Tattoo Machines
Tattoo Inks
Tattoo Power Supplies
Tattoo Needles
Tattoo Gloves
Tubes, Tips, Grips & Clip Cord
Disinfectants and cleaners
Topical Skin Cleaners
Gauze and Surgical Tape
Art Supplies
All above is needed when tattoo. You must make sure that these tattoo supplies can satisfied the customers. The gloves and needles are disposal. The machines are with low voice and easy operating. There are many different kinds of inks and patterns for customers to choose, such as the portrait pitcher, the numbers, the black and white, and the panorama of color and flowers etc. All of these equipment should be disinfected in high temperature.
What’s more, the price is also an aspect which should be concerned. You can search the internet to look for the tattoo supplies which with high quality and competitive price. If you want to extend your shop, you can import some famous brand tattoo supplies to use. People always prefer the brand goods more than ordinary one.
Moreover, the tattoo supplies are suspected to set up with carefulness and patience, the whole machine must be precised. When operating both you and your customer should keep relax, you skill is the customers most cared .In the end, you should provide the ointments for customers to protect the skin and warn the tips they need to notice.
To conclude , knowing how to choose tattoo supplies is benefit for you to be a professional tattoo artist and help you enhance your shop strength. Hope what I say can help you in heart.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Tattoo machine kit could help you a lot
If you want to be tattoo beginner, what you should have not only the tattoo skills but also the tattoo equipment. However it comes to tattoo equipment, many people’s first thought is the tattoo machine. But i have to remind you of the tattoo machine kit is more convenient for you. Tattoo kit include all the items could be used in the tattoo work. Such as the tattoo machine,tattoo ink, tattoo needle,practice skin and DVDS. If you are willing to start your tattoo career, you should consider your tattoo equipment seriously. If you just buy the tattoo machine separately in one shop, and then turn to the other shop buy the tattoo needle. I think may be the tattoo needle is not match for the tattoo machine well. because some machine being sold is customize by the manufacturers, only you buy the same brand tattoo needle with the tattoo machine could continue your works. So if you buy a set of tattoo machine kit, this problem could be avoid and also save your time and money.
Every one at the beginning to learn tattoo they could not work well, but if you purchase a set of good tattoo kit. I believe there is no doubt fo you to improve the tattoo skins in the short time. In the tattoo kit, the practice skin is essential for the tattoo beginner. After all the tattoo is a art to create on the skin, if you make a mistake by carelessness the tattoo images could not be made up. Before the real work you could do some practice on the practice skin. And you had better choose some simple images such as rose,figures and other letters and so on. Until you could control the tattoo machine smoothly you could practice some difficult images and designs. And the DVD really help you a lot on the case of you do not have the acquaintances in the tattoo industry. You could learn from the DVD, which is taught by lots of tattoo artist who have much experience and could settle different problems that you maybe have.
We can not say every tattoo kit is high quality. Of cause, we should not lose confidence to the kit as this reason.As a tattoo artist as well as a consumer, to choose a suitable, high quality and cheap price tattoo kit is very important. Tattoo starter kits are suit for tattoo beginners or tattoo enthusiast, while professional tattoo kits are suit for experienced tattoo artist. As experienced tattoo artist always strictly to the kit. Saving unnecessary cost is important. You can compare the price around the shops.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
How to use tattoo machine
Tattooing is an art and requires considerable skill and practice. That's why using a tattoo gun, also known as a tattoo machine, is something that's best left up to the experts, especially since you must be a licensed professional to use one. The modern tattoo machine creates a tattoo by using alternative electromagnetic coils and a needle to implant pigment under the skin. Whether you are a tattoo artist or a person receiving a tattoo, it is important to understand how to use and work a tattoo machine. The instructions are as follows:
Firstly, knowing about tattoo machine. It is actually a hand-held device that allows the artist to embed indelible ink into the skin with a needle. While the original tattoo machines relied on rotary technology, today's devices use electromagnets. There are machines that handle lines, shading, and color and saturation. The liner machine lays the ink onto the skin in a single pass to create the dominant lines of the tattoo. This is typically the first step where an artist will either freehand or use a stencil. Then there is a shader machine that creates black shades or variants to sculpt lines. The color/saturation machine adds color and is used to blend.
Secondly, knowing how to setting up tattoo machine. Put needles into the right tattoo machine, connect tattoo machine and foot pedal into the power supply, then the machine can run with the power and enough voltage. You can control the rate of ink that flows through the needle attached to the machine as you create the tattoo. The machine also has features that help the artist maintain control over needle depth, force of application for the ink, and the speed at which the tattoo is created. Other features are based on whether it is a long stroke or short stroke machine, which adds features related to width, length, stiffness, tension and angles that that artist can create. To get the best quality from the tattoo machine, it's all about the person using it.
Thirdly, there is a significant amount of time that must go into using these machines. A tattoo artist needs to get accustomed to how the ink flows through the machine and how to use it as a tool to draw, blend, color and shade the design into the piece of art that the customer imagined. Beyond skill and mastery of the machine, patience and focus are key traits that a machine just can't produce.
If you are interested in learning how to use tattoo machine, you can put this as a reference, and ask the professional tattoo artists for some advice. You will finally get what you want to.
The frame is a indispensable part of tattoo machines
The frame is hub of tattoo machines,all part of tattoo machine eg tattoo tube,tattoo needles,tattoo armature bar and so on,needed link to the frame.As mentioned in the section about metals,the frame is the bulk of the metal on the machine.
The working function of the tattoo machines frame is its role of heat dissipation. Many tattoo machine producers would add following statement on the ads: frames with best casting craft, perfect of dissipating heat to sustain long time working for tattoo practice. Some big area tattoo patterns with complicated lines and colors not only require the excellent craft from the tattoo artists but also needs the long and stable working ability of the tattoo machines. This is why materials to make the tattoo machine frame are strictly selected and controlled by professional tattoo machine producers. Because the heat conduction of the materials will help the made-up tattoo machines function well in long time work without generating overly heat to hinder the artists’ practice.
Frames can reveal how a machine is intended to run by the creator of the frame .This is prevalent in the typically agreed upon style of the cutback frame.the cutback tattoo machine frame will have the hole where the front contact screw binds into ,tapped further toward the saddle or rear of the tattoo machine.This can arguably increase the speed of the machine when it is compared to the same machine frame with a contact post more toward the tube vise is commonly known that the term cutback comes form tattoo artists trying to speed up their machines by moving the contact screw further back,Thry would literally cut back the frame where the contact screw would mount,allowing them to relocate the contact screw and put a small front spring on the machine.Some machines have the ability to fully adjust the binding post mount,by having a notch milled out of the frame in a manner that will allow the entire binding to be freely moved from front to rear.While these machines are great for customizing of the overall performance of the machine,they can loosen up over time and must be observed regularly to obtain a consistent workflow.
It is also important that you own a solder iron and are aware of the right tupes of flux for soldering with silver bearing solder;Check with your electronics supply stores,or professional to get the same quality stuff that they use on circuit boards and stay away from thick paste flux, typically used in pipes.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Tattoo Supplies for those who are planning for a Tattooing Parlor Business
If you are having a business plan in mind as starting a tattoo parlor, then it is essential for you to get the best tools and tattoo supplies. These can be bought easily at the retail stores selling supplies and equipment for tattooing; however you need to be very careful about purchasing these sensitive items. Especially, if are starting a new business, then buying the most advanced equipment and being aware of the highest quality supplies is very important. Tattooing not just an art, but it is having implications on human health also as well as tattooing is done for lifetime, and all these makes it is a very serious affair altogether.
Buying right tattoo kits
As a business person, the major reason why you are buying the quality tattoo kits is to enjoy a successful result by making your clients coming back for more as well as to get newer clients through word of mouth publicity. Tattoos are done to last for a lifetime, so the right machine, needle, and grips needed to be used in order to maintain the perfection of work, a single error you make with it, can end up in totally misery.
Now, one of the most comfortable mode of purchasing tattoo supplies is through the online stores. The major advantage of buying online is that you can get access to the top-quality products sold across the globe and can directly buy it from the manufacturers through their official portal. By avoiding any middleman or agents, you get to enjoy a fair savings in online purchase, which can of course a make a good different especially when you are a start up.
The cost of tattoo supplies differs from brand to brand as well as based on the quality of the product. However, one advice here is that you should not compromise on buying the highest quality tattoo gun, needles, ink, and power supply etc., as these are the essential components deciding the quality of your service. Nowadays, there are many such accessories like artificial skin is available on which the artist can do the practice as if they are doing it on humans. It is also essential to include the medical and safety accessories too in the tattoo supplies to enhance the quality of your service in every aspect.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Tattoo machines guide for artists
Want to create excellent tattoo designs? Then, choose the right tattoo machine because even a good artist needs to use best of equipment to make finest patterns. Available in the range of $10–$1000, these tattoo machines are an integral part of this artwork. Here is a tattoo machines guide which you can follow to determine what makes the most suitable choice for you.
Types of machines and some crucial points
In this tattoo machines guide, you will come to know that there are basically three categories of machines available on market. These are apprentice machine, journeyman machine and master machine.
Apprentice tattoo machines are cheap and this is their biggest advantage. In addition, they can be used for 1 to 2 hours non-stop and are suitable for a combination of lining and shading tasks. Their coils are made of aluminum wire. These are usually considered as a good option for beginners. But, there are some disadvantages associated with these types of machine. They need frequent maintenance. These are not ideal if you want to use a heavy shader. Due to their lower voltage capacity, they take longer time for shading craft.
Journeyman is a cost-effective solution. It is very easy to use and another thing is that this machine is considered to be a good quality one. Equipped with 1018 steel cores copper wire, they can operate for 4-5 Hours with ease. These make a good choice for both apprentice and journeyman. But, on a downside, these machines cannot do intricate work. Also, they can be used either for lines or shading.
The last option in the tattoo machines guide is the master machines. These are meant for professionals. They can be used for long hours and you can adjust their settings based on the nature of task or job to be done. Made of handbound 1018 steel cores copper wire, the master machines are available in different types to create different patterns. These are suitable for every tattoo maker. The only disadvantage of these machines is that they are bit pricey.
So, from this tattoo machines guide, it is clear which machine is good for what purpose and for whom. Before making any purchase, make sure to compare all these machines in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Usually, experts recommend beginners to start with apprentice machines and suggest them to move to the other category after they have gained experience and expertise.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Tattoo ink allergy and how to treat?
Tattoo ink allergies can be eliminated by laser or surgical resection, but most people would take the way of "let it be", or apply some ointment. Allergic symptoms, scars, light damage, etc. Part this is because the pigment sensitization of photosensitivity and related components. Generally speaking, the red tattoo inks are most likely to trigger allergies. Few allergy is often vary from person to person, and do not have what matter. , of course, many people only in the hot weather is just can have allergy happens (environmental factors undoubtedly played an important role in this). Someone describes the experience: "I'm allergic to red tattoo ink: swelling, itching, swelling and pigment area... also began to fall off and scarring, treated with antihistamine tattoo allergies can split the wound further instead. My biggest regret is allergic to this little - if only I know more about it!"
Tattoo tattoo needle dips in the process of coloring materials into skin colored, bit by bit every 1 to 2 mm needles into the skin, and injected into a drop of insoluble ink, the ink stays in the dermis, which is the second floor of the skin, the dermis cell is much more stable than the epidermis cells, to avoid allergies, except for the field test, but the author's opinion, in fact no one is using this method, but also it is not feasible. Because there is no effective way to further clarify whether the tattoo pigment allergy. But allergic phenomenon is not common, so choose good pigment becomes important, use after market test of the pigment to relatively safe a lot for a long time.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
how to use the tattoo machines for tattoo beginner

Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Some Basic Things to be Considered about Beginner Tattoo Kits
Tattoo is being considered as a highly popular in-thing nowadays. Not just the fashion-freak youngsters, but even the elder ones are fond of picturing what is there in their mind on to the skin. For those who are planing to step into the art of tattooing, it is a very reassuring career now as the demand for skilled and talented tattooing professionals are on hype. In order to start with a successful career, at the very first point, you need to have tattoo kits and should know what all tattoo supplies are available in the market and how to make use of them effectively.
Start with beginner’s kit
As a novice in this field, you can try your luck by starting with beginner’s tattoo kits, which will only cost very less when compared to the professional kits and also will help to gain enough experience without burning a hole in your pocket. However, you should not try out any complicated experimentation with the beginner’s kit, instead concentrate on mastering the art with a ‘slow and steady’ approach.
The contents of the beginner’s tattoo kits are usually like;
Ink caps
Glove sets
Different tattooing inks
Needles set
Pipes and tubes
Tattooing machine
Power supply etc.
For a beginner, it is almost everything what you need to practice your skills. These tools can also be the best for the hobbyists; however, on the other hand can help you gain practical knowledge also if you want to become a professional. As a learner, you should be able to exactly delivery what is their on your mind, and going a step ahead, as a professional you should be able to deliver what is there on the mind of your clients. Remember, getting a tattoo is a permanent affair, so you should have perfection and artfulness in your and before attempting any experimentation. Even the minute mistake can lead to a lot of disappointment and frustration. You can search for tattoo kits online also now where you can find many lucrative deals.
You need to keep your requirements in mind before making the final purchase of tattoo kit.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
New Arrival Classical Iron Tattoo Machine at wholesale price
Tattoodiy. Com launched a new tattoo machine is more suitable for tattoo beginners,
It can applied for shade and line at the same time, the appearance of the classical design, The surface of the coil is very attract people's eyes, on the basis of classic iron frame from ensures the stability and durability of the tattoo machine.This tattoo machine adopts eight wrap coil, the best stuff for tattoo machine at this competitive price, Around 25000 ~ 30000 / minute, Low noise, stable performance,Starting 3 v, working under 6-9 v. The New arrivals from Classical Iron Tattoo Machine at wholesale price $10.30 for sale now. No matter from price or from The features of The product, this is a very suitable Tattoo Machine for beginners .
"I know it is from my friend that, under his recommendation I have purchased this machine, now I'm glad it was my first tattoo machine, this tattoo machine is great, appearance is what I like, the price I can accept very much, my girlfriend tattoo on his arm is this tattoo machine works, I like", a user said.
If you are choosing your first tattoo machine, the new arrival of tattoo machine is a very good choice.
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Seven key steps to debug the tattoo machine
The first step
the tattoo machine needles with his left hand with index finger to resist "host" bottom
Department the thumbs down
"Needle fixed button" location.
The second step
connect ac power jack cable access tattoo machine.
The third step
in the right hand thumb and forefinger "adjust the fixed button" to "relax" state.
The fourth step
in the right hand thumb and forefinger "pressure regulating knob" to adjust the pressure regulating knob at the same time
Right foot pedal switch " start tattoo machine.
Step 5
the right hand thumb and forefinger
"Pressure regulating knob"
pay attention to the right hand has been to leave or put
"Pressure regulating knob"
until tattoo machine to produce the best speed and sound.
At the same time with the left hand thumb belly touch the magnetic force
The front end of the article needle bar fixed button below. In the left hand thumb tactility is maximum vibration to feel numb
Wood, itch so far tattoo machine is the best working state at this time.
Step 6
in the debug tattoo machine tattoo machine should pay attention to our trip trip for tattoo machine
The magnetic force and magnetic coil this trip must ensure that at least for the spacing
The 2.5 MM
. Because this is confirmed
Have enough telescopic distance to ensure that the needle can Pierce the skin when stretched out the underlying while retracting can retreat into again
Stick to a pigment in the needle.
Step 7
To the best state tattoo machine left right foot "foot switch"
lines - breaking power
Machine body is in a state of downtime in the right hand thumb
Fixed button "adjustment" means and the index finger to adjust to the tight state the lock
Press button"
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Points to consider when buying a tattoo power supply
Every artist loves his art and a tattoo artist is no different from other artists. In order to ensure their artwork comes out best, they have to carefully pick their tattoo equipments. There is no doubt that only a good quality tattoo machine can produce impactful work and hence, one cannot afford to be casual about it. But, apart from a tattoo machine, a good tattoo power supply is also very essential as only this can enhance the performance of a tattoo machine.
How to select?
A tattoo power supply which can produce higher voltage makes an apt choice for your machine. So, before finalizing just anything, do pay attention to the voltage efficiency. However, choose only that range of voltage level which you can handle well.
On market, you will come across two choices in power supplies such as digital and analog. Digital tattoo power supplies are expensive compared to analog choices; but digital ones are considered to be more useful than the latter.
When you shop for a tattoo power supply, make sure to check if it is compatible with your tattoo machines. The reason behind this is that some power supplies support coil tattoo machines, some rotary and some are suitable for every type. As most tattoo artists work with both types of machines, it will be better to choose such supplies which are compatible with all of them.
Another thing is pay attention to the size and weight factors while purchasing a tattoo power supply. If you have to travel a lot for your work, then it’s better to go with something light weight and small because it will ensure portability.
Also, different power supplies come at different prices. Therefore, before picking up anything, make sure that you have checked its price well. In fact, it will be wise to compare prices in advance so that you don’t have to face any confusion later on.
Since tattoo power supply items are very crucial, you cannot afford to buy them without checking all the specifications. The ones which can adapt better to voltage fluctuations giving more power to your tattoo machine make an ideal choice. So, be careful with your choice because your customers would not expect anything less than the best from you.
Monday, 28 April 2014
How to judge the quality of the homemade tattoo machines?
Homemade tattoo machines can be made by any material, as long as its strength requirements can be recognized enough . The stand or fall of difference between the tattoo machine:
The electromagnetic coil and the stability of the shrapnel bounce, depends on the processing of the early locating and tolerance to master; In addition, fixed coil screws and check out best gaskets, so as not to shift due to vibration.
Listen to the voice sometimes mislead your judgement, judge of the machine only after loading the needle and buckle on elastic correct conclusion can be drawn from actual use. Equipment, because consider cost factor, sometimes material too thin is the reason why sounds awful, thick frame voice naturally thick!
The tattoo machines on the market price disparity between amplitude is large, that in terms of quality, will be a big difference? A: the price of the machine, is that it is that sex and market reputation; In terms of quality, if the businessman in electromagnetic iron core with hanging iron this two parts with the electromagnetism pure iron is also called the soft iron, so, the machine should be no mystery! Because the soft iron is the best material of these two parts.
how to identify whether the power of the machine is soft? A: that is very troublesome, accurate method is to use high-speed cameras, observe the machine back after the loss of magnetic needle mouth in the schedule (distance), distance is soft, small distance is hard! Is the best effect with the least amount of piercing the number will be enough pigment into the target location, at this time if regardless of technique, the problem of machine is out. Fast and hard skin lesions caused by machine on the slow and soft the skin lesions caused by the machine was low. The reason: it fast and hard machine at work in the retraction to each needle mouth stay time is short, the other reason before the shell is harder, can bounce back after the excitation-loss stroke is small, then caused the tip of the pigment dip take quantity is small, can, of course, being sent to the target location is less.. On the contrary, slow and gentle machine at work in the retraction to each needle mouth for a long time, the other reason before the shrapnel is soft, can bounce back after the excitation-loss trip also big, also is equal to the amount of pigment dip take increased the needlepoint, can be admitted to a target location is much! Even though I just did experiment 2 pieces in the practice the skin pigment saturation essentially the same practice skin cross-sections were observed under the microscope, I verified the above analysis. The experiment also include the specification of the same practice for tensile test, the result was the same .
secant machine and fog machine in performance have what characteristics? A: line machine: requirement is fast and back out of the needle is fast, so as not to hang the skin! Fog machine requirements are different, according to the habit of each tattoo artist! This, is that all the production machines can't do! In general are our people in accommodating the machine (speed, strength, flexibility, speed and flexibility, related to users under the decisiveness of the needle, strength the relationship with the user's habits.
how to debug a new machine? A: any new machine can only minor adjustments, its fundamental nature, as early as it is the factory has been qualitative!! Fine tuning. This with clearance, have a direct relationship. Shell strength.
how to determine and test out the length of the needle? Answer: according to the habit of each, and the guest's skin nature! Skin thicker than the asians, europeans in some deeper, it is also a foreign artist seven reasons for seeking to bounce space is large machine, tattoo machines in use after a period of time, contact will be wear and tear, tattoo machine power and performance will decline, and how to solve this problem? A: when not in use, loosen the damping aprons, so that we can avoid the change of the power! Then there is, if the contact will wear and then use the new notes between contact point and promptly pull back and forth a few times can.
why there are all-in-one and fission machine? A: can be one of the (double shell can be achieved in one integrated)! But most of the tattoo artist will choose to use different function of the machine! Is the so-called line machine and fog machine, fog machine can be used to secant, after add a shrapnel limit device.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Tattoo Machines – Choosing the Safest and Most Functional Tools
Tattoo Machines – Choosing the Safest and Most Functional Tools
Tattooing is having an increased acceptance lately among all sort of people across the world. The increasing number of tattooing clinics is the evidence of its increasing popularity. On planning for a tattooing business, it is essential for you to have a better understanding about the tattoo machines, tools, and supplies in order to get hold of the best. The tattoo machines or otherwise called the tattoo guns are the most essential tool used in tattooing. For those who are seriously longing to get some beautiful body art done on their skin, the tattoo machines as a part of the tattoo kits is an essential component to make your dreams come true.
History of tattoo machines
As per the documentation, the first ever tattoo machine was invented by the most famous inventor of all times, Thomas Alva Edison. The year of this invention was back in 1870; however the first line of machines were not that good enough in order to offer perfection while tattooing. Edison then tried to use this as an engraving machine; and later after a few years, a few other scientists tried to modify Edison’s machines in order to make it capable of applying ink directly on to human skin. This was when the first-generation tattoo machines were born.
New generation machines
However, this initial model had then undergone a lot of renovations and modernization and further achieved more and more perfection to exactly get the figure on to the skin, which the artists have in their mind with 100% perfection. The new-generation machines used for tattooing at the modern clinics are using electromagnets, which easily control the entire tattooing process.
The new model tattoo machines also allow the professionals to have a better control on handling the functional aspects like the needle speed, depth of piercing, as well as force to be applied etc. In an expert’s hand, a tattoo machine can act as a smooth brush to make the most desired strokes and give a perfect finish to the art. Tattoo machines are available in different sizes also, varying in its pricing and functionality, which can be used for personal usage as well as at a highly professional level. There are online options too to purchase tattoo guns from different manufacturers from the globe, where you can find the best deals at the most affordable pricing.
Friday, 25 April 2014
Necessary to Know about Tattoo Kits and Supplies
Tattoo kits are a splendid way to prepare for your first tattooing experience. From beginner’s kits to professional kits, there are plenty of different varieties available in the market lately. A common mistake most of the people do is to search for a provider selling tattoo supplies and purchasing a machine, power supply, and a few needles. However, once after it, they soon will realize that there are pretty much more things required for successful tattooing.
It is not just the novices, by many professional tattooing experts also tend to make some mistakes like this. In case of choosing tattooing as your career, it is best to discuss the needs with a competent tattoo supplies company who can recommend you the tools and accessories needed in the tattoo kits for a professional endeavor.
Things to consider
On purchasing a tattoo kit, even at basic level, you need to check for a good kit, which contains all the needed safety and medical supplies in it. You may need nitrile gloves and the sharps collector, which will collect the tattoo needles and grips for proper disposal. There should also be a surface disinfectant as Cavicide, which is a high-grade cleaner to avoid hepatitis, TB, HIV and herpes. Also note that many of the now available tattoo kits are selling the inferior OEM brand inks, which is of very cheap quality. Always choose the best quality inks, not just to enhance the quality of tattooing, but also in the best interest of the health of your clients.
Steel tattoo grips vs. disposable grips
The very important aspect to be considered while purchasing tattoo kits is about the grip you are going to use. There is an increasing demand for disposable grips and single-use tattooing needles, in order to cut off the risk of cross-contamination among the users. There are advantages of disadvantages for both steel and disposable grips. Steel grips offer a better balance, cost effectiveness with reusability, and more importantly vibration dampening. As the downside, you have to always take care of the risk of contamination with thoroughly soaking and sterilizing (autoclave) the device. Convenience and safety are the major advantages of disposable grips; however you have to cope up with the vibrations a bit to do the task skillfully. However, disposable is always preferable over the other nowadays.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Assemble the tattoo machine
First, connect pipe head connected to the needles, insert the handle grip tube, after at this time with a magnifying glass to look at the needle, the needle below click to enlarge
Needles are slightly curved, if there is the phenomenon, please use very fine sandpaper along the needle to pull a few times, to solve this phenomenon. Then Needle inserted needle connecting pipe, with tip pipe head is flat.This is the first step of assembing the tattoo machine.
Second, handles pipe micro cover head connected with the needle tube joint. Connect the good parts with tattoo machine body, will take damping ring needle tail through the clamp with the small round convex column under the electronic contact phase, to slowly and gently press into the light Gently move the handle grip tube to tip and the pipe head is flat.
Step of third, this is the power of tattoo machine to cancel with a tattoo machine is combined with the power supply, copper, white connectors, copper copper stigma Up and down here for your reference, white copper stigma hole relatively small holes through them. Another first insert the power supply, can, according to the directions on the power supply into the feet Foot switch according to the supply with power supply is connected.
All these operations are conducted in the case of without electricity.
Four, debugging to needle out length is about general in 3 mm distance, voltage at around 7-9 volt, frequency of 10 Times per second. Also can be used more than 9 v voltage, such as long time to use the tattoo machine will soon be fever, will be subject to not hot. Such as machine Overheating will stay after cooling is in use, it is best to more than one tattoo homework, when motor speed can be greatly improved, so that will be reduced
Less pain.
Five, with stamped on the pedal switch, debug the length of the needle stimulation. If the machine does not start, please adjust knob adjustment. Tuned machine Walk freely on the tissue paper, paper will tighten, tattoo function with a very uniform holes.
tattoo machines won't function properly?why?
I have some experience about maintenance tattoo machines fault and share it with you,i hope will be helpful to you.
1 .elastic rod without meeting inclined promptly contact.
Solution: the elastic rod screws loosen the elastic rod rotating down, run into contact, then rotate 180 ° to 360 °, tighten the screw locking elastic rod.
2 .the power switch is not opened.
Solution:Turn on 220 v alternating current (ac), after open the tattoo machines power switch, indicator light red.
3 .adjusting button (VOLTAGE) on the zero position, and V table pointer on the zero .
solution: adjust the button clockwise rotate slowly, also in V table pointer rotation, V table pointer should be parked in the 10 V to 12 V. Promptly contact before.
4 .elastic rod touch, touch is too tight, don't start, is more likely to have the power supply circuit, a power switch, the indicator light is light green, no voltage .
solution: the elastic rod screw loosening, the elastic rod up loose from the shrapnel contact reset elastic rod encounter on contact, rotate 180 ° to 360 ° tattoo machines power tripping circuit, indicating the light is green, the switch to open, indicating the light is red.
5 .at work, often accidentally also don't know when to pull the power cord, the position of the left joint .
Solution: check the pedal switch, the power cord plug to have in place after.
6 .in the work, cleaning and disinfection of tattoo machine, the machine line ruptured the (dislocation).
solution: check the thrum of the tattoo machines for dislocation (break), to find an electrician, open the line welding on .
7. power tripping indicating the light is green .
Solution: check the plug on the power cord and plug on the tattoo machines foot switch to have broken, broken may touch line (short), breaking the thread, to use electric welding, with respect to OK!
Monday, 21 April 2014
A Couple of Questions Answered for you in terms of Choosing Tattoo Supplies
Tattooing is having an increased popularity lately among all sort of people and all across the globe. In some ethnicity, tattooing is an inevitable part of their culture and rituals and for some others, it’s simply a fashion statement. Hollywood also had done a great deal in promoting the concept of tattooing with all the action heroes are there in the tattoo fan club. However, for those who are planning to come into this field, it is always confusing to select tattoo supplies and tools. Further we will try to answer a couple of confusing questions for the beginners to provide a better insight about the concept.
What about the career of a tattooing professional?
If you are also one among them who think tattooing is pretty simply and can be done by everyone, you are miserably wrong. If you are setting out to become a tattoo artist, it is important to think about it seriously. You many not be even able to find a well-written guide to teach this age-old art in a step-by-step manner. You also will be finding it difficult to get hold of the best tattoo supplies without an expert understanding.
Doing tattooing is a critical task and it will take pretty much time for one to master it. The risky part about this task is that human health also needed to be considered in this process, which makes it a serious responsibility. The quality of tattoo supplies should be superior as well as you should possess and expert’s hands also to make this lifetime mark for your clients. Any minute mistake can end up in serious misery.
What needed to be considered while buying tattoo supplies?
For a tattoo artist, the basic tattoo supplies include needles, ink, tattooing machine, and power supply. As healthcare is also involved, there should be proper safety and medical supplied too needed as a back for professional artists. You can search for these basic supply kits at professional stores as well as the online stores of reputed suppliers. However, always make sure that you are dealing with genuine suppliers and products as quality counts big in this task.
Own yourself tattoo kits, creating unique tattoo designs
Are you a tattoo enthusiast? Do you have their own unique tattoo designs? Maybe you will say I like tattoo, also want to do a tattoo, but probably not ideal tattoo parlors around where you live, or your sensitive parts of the body don't want show tattoo artist, so have you ever want to own a tattoo kits, in their own do want any tattoo on the body, not the restriction of the time and place, as long as you like to do at one point, picked up his own tattoo kits can do.
Here is a good example of diy tattoo, reports from chinadaily, Young man 's back becomes canvas forFamous scroll painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival,believed that this ancient artwork at the 2010 world expo in Shanghai the people left a deep impression to the world. By means of a tattoo is a new interpretation of the ancient civilization of China.
In each individual heart lived a creative spirit, as a tattoo fans can do some innovation in the art of tattooing, creating some new tattoo work, both for their own life, or a tattoo art is a very meaningful thing. For tattoo fans, have their own a tattoo kits of creation as a basic equipment is necessary. from tattoo wiki.
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Tattoo machine debugging skills
A tattoo machine to get his hand , allowing us to adjust only the following aspects : location before shrapnel, the shrapnel, the spacing, contact screws, damping ring , coil , rubber bands , the armature . The coil, core , racks , capacitors basically we are not moving .
All adjustments are around two factors - the frequency and strength , I will be one of the law in the following 11 years.
Former shrapnel : length width thickness hardness and bending angle will affect the frequency and strength of the machine. Long , narrow , thin, soft , low bending angle will make the machine slow frequency , power becomes larger. Conversely frequency becomes faster , smaller forces .
Damping ring : the thickness of hard and soft , fine , let the soft slow frequency , strength increases. And vice versa. In fact, damping ring is extended before shrapnel , shrapnel can even do a good pre- damping ring, as the power play before the shrapnel to the maximum , maximum strength .
Contact Screw: The closer the position of the contact point of the front edge of the tab , the slower the frequency , the greater the force, and vice versa. Contact screw presses more tightly force smaller , faster frequency . Suggested contacts screws as far forward , touch shrapnel , at most, one or two laps and then the next spin , so shrapnel maximize its power .
After shrapnel : width hardness and bending angle will affect the machine's frequency , strength and length of the needle . Narrow , thin, soft frequencies will allow the machine slows down , the power increases. Conversely frequency becomes faster , smaller forces . The larger the longer the bending angle needle , the greater the power of the machine , the slower the frequency, and vice versa.
After the pitch : refers to the machine from the back seat and armature , in fact, this distance is the length of shrapnel after the change can be achieved in several ways , adjust the length of the armature size platen after shrapnel , shrapnel forward after these three who can change the spacing. The larger the greater the strength of the pitch , the slower the frequency, and vice versa.
Location coil : Front coil ( the coil close to the needle ) the greater the force more forward , the greater the distance the greater the force between the front and rear coil . As far forward before recommending coil , the coil do not move.
Armature : armature material , the length of the severity , the armature is longer, the more severe the greater the force , the slower frequency. I only know the material aspects temporarily better off magnetic armature better.
Rubber band : as little as possible , as long as you can control the beating of the needle , the right way to reduce needle loaded needle beating , so only twelve rubber band can be.
Under normal circumstances stab color , totem need big machine power , frequency, slow , black and white sketches thorn traditional and machine power needs of small , fast frequency.
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Tattoo handle what to pay attention
Hold the machine correctly tattoo machine can improve the efficiency of the work . All needles mouth, handle and stainless steel rod should be all stainless steel handles are complete and have knurled . Knurled is a term machining industry , there should be on the handle . Knurled metal handle better than the plastic handle , when the handle grip plastic -type hand seems to be stuck , like the hand can not be flexible manipulation of the machine. Knurled metal provides a fixed grip strength, increased weight of the machine, the machine in the hands of more texture , more easy to operate.
Tattoo machine grip it like a pencil or pen grip posture , but slightly different.
When you first hold the tattoo machine, will feel he has a certain weight, some people say they are very heavy . Do not be confused by this argument , because the period of time you will feel very natural , hand muscles will gradually adapt to the machine work. Tattoo takes time, especially in large pieces tattoo , need a few hours to manipulate these machines do not have much time to rest. This requires that you exercise the muscles of the hand , so that the hand will not cramp or soreness . Before you start to become a tattoo artist , it is necessary to practice as much grip the machine. Hold the machine simultaneously trying to keep the air exercises. You can watch TV , chat or do something else to make this exercise. Night a few hours of exercise will make your hands soon muscles.
Some tattooists like heavy machinery , while others prefer a more light , which is the reason why some manufacturers offer lightweight machine . But it should be remembered that any machine , regardless of one began to feel there are multiple , are accustomed to the last . From a long-term perspective, you want to feel it's very handy , working condition is very stable. Tattoo machine vibration will occur when you use you will soon feel tired. Then the weight of the machine will usually act as shock absorbers. Handle more weight, it will absorb more energy , delivered to your shake smaller. Such tattoo machine work more stable, not easily shake , which is constructed tattoo machine is more wonderful place . You should also keep in mind is based on the weight of the machine is that you can change your preferences by replacing the handle of the model can change the weight of the tattoo machine .
Hold the machine and use the hook wires to practice painting. When the hook wires hanging behind the machine , tattoo machine will bring the resistance movement , which is different from the strange feeling to write . To get used to this feeling and often practice for this position .
Tattoos on the skin when the hand , like writing the same posture as the handle grip to hold a pen , the other part of the machine is naturally behind or above . Hand on the base of the skin or work , which is a stable position , palm down first , then the machine can be a palm support points.
As a fulcrum , the machine moves around on the skin with the palm . By rotating the fulcrum on the palm , it is easy to position the machine should be on . Sometimes rub some medical Vaseline on the little finger on the palm of your hand and will lead to friction between the palm of your hand with the skin decreases . Doing so will make your palms on the skin to move more easily. Do not apply too much attention is caused by slipping and sliding .
The fulcrum for the tattoo palm provides a solid foundation , but it takes practice to perfection , his hand will remain stable , credible route to you .
Disinfected prior to handle system , with a clean paper to wrap the assembled machine . This process before each tattoo ( disinfection, install the needle tip , needle and machine ) have to do . In China , we now use tattoo needles are all disposable.
The key is to be absolutely familiar with the correct installation process , each time the system is installed and the handle of the needle should concentrate. From tattoo equipment dealer to buy a new machine should be installed correctly , but the system did not handle disinfection . They still need to dismantle and disinfection. They should carefully review and learn the correct way to install the machine . Buy two machines at the start is a good idea , so that one can be installed by the manufacturer , you do not need to install another good . When you forget how to assemble them together, that Taiwan has been installed yet another machine is a good guide .
Friday, 18 April 2014
Thursday, 17 April 2014
purchase a good tattoo power box for yourself
In order to complete the tattoo image,tattooists should process a set of tattoo equipment, which should includes the tattoo power box. Of cause you could buy it from many different sells. At present there are lots of types in the markets. Every one admit that the most expensive one is not the best one. So you should find out what is the best suitable tattoo power box for the user.
I think you should know that the tattoo power box is the prime movers for the tattoo needles go in skin with inks. Certainly if the tattoo power do not have enough energy the needle could not go deep in to human skin,and then the image are easily to fade. On contrast tattoo power box have the enough energy , the tattooist could work a beautiful and complete image for a long work. So it is the key point for you to master this knowledge, no matter you are a experienced or just a starter.
Several tattoo machine power box are available in tattoo supplies stores nowadays. The price varies according to different types and functions. If you want to get better control of the tattoo needle’s back and forth movement, then you need a power box that has a knob to control the voltage. Some more expensive machine power box enable you to control all the elements like voltage, speed, follow-through and duty. You can use them in any country without changing the voltage to ensure the safety of other appliances in your home. Some power box will come to you with foot pedals and clip cords, but some are not, you may need to buy them separately.
Do you think all the tattoo power box is same? I should tell you that they are different. In fact the more expensive one have much function and durable for the tattooist. We should believe that the price worth the quality. Because the manufacturers put better material into the production.
Now that you want to become a professional tattoo artist you should not worry too much about the money,which is the necessary investment for your future career. The good equipment could make the good images for the customers, i hope it must leave a perfect impression on them and then they come to your tattoo shop again.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Why tattoo needles point turn black
The normal tattoo needles should be bright and clean with steriled packing,
But sometimes, the needle may be with black tip.There are 2 main reason causing the black needle tip.
1 is oxidation during welding
Excessive acid when welding will caused surface oxidation.The dust, oxide on the tip will make it black.
2 is the needle use disqualified material, the needles easily rusty on the air.
Do not use rusty needle wire, because tattoo needles are used for skin, the black tip needles are unsanitary, may cause infection or worse.
For your health, please use sterile tatto needles.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
What size tattoo needle do you use for shading
Tattoo artists may have a preference when it comes to shading tattoo needles. Some may use a round shading needle setup. The most common tip counts used for round shading clusters are 3, 5, 7, and 9. Magnum shading needles are the most common for this application due to the double-stacked construction and flat tips. Using a magnum shading tattoo needle configuration allows the artist to put more ink into the skin without needing multiple passes over the same area of the skin. A variation of the magnum needle is the curved magnum tattoo needle. It is generally used for first timers as the curve causes less tearing to the skin and glides over it in a smoother fashion reducing the pain of getting a tattoo. Selecting the right type of shading tattoo needle makes the dispersion of the ink appropriate for the shading technique used.
Monday, 14 April 2014
About tattoo needles types, which do what, how to use
The diameter of tattoo needle types can be found by looking at the first two numbers of the packaging. The 4 most common diameters are #12, #10, #8 and #6. #12 is a diameter of 0.35mm. #10 is a diameter of 0.30mm. #8 is a diameter of 0.25mm. #6 is a diameter of 0.20mm. #12, 0.35mm diameter is the most common diameter for most needles. #10, 0.30mm is the most common diameter for ones used for lining.
The count indicates the number of needles grouped together at the point of the bar. In the example we used earlier, a 1207RL needle, where 12 is the diameter, 7 indicates the count. So a 1207RL needle will have 7 needles soldered to the tip of the bar.
Tattoo needles types: RL or round liner needles grouped together in a tight round formation. RS or round shaders are grouped together in a loose round formation. F or flats are grouped together in a line formation. M1 or weaved magnum are grouped with 2 rows of needles in a weaved formation
Saturday, 12 April 2014
What you should know before buying cheap tattoo ink
For most people the reason they start to tattoo is to be unique comparing with others. But if you choose a ordinary tattoo, i think you purpose also is not achieved. so many people want to have a creative tattoo image for themself. And before you tattoo you also should know something about tattoo ink. Especially those want to buy the cheap tattoo ink.
First, the components of tattoo ink- pigments and carries.
For permanent tattoos, tattoo ink will be inserted into the skin with the help of tattoo needles. Tattoo ink pigments are the basic materials that provide the colors, which can be anything from minerals, plastics, vegetable dyes to metallic slats like calcium copper silicate, iron oxide, chromium oxide and zinc oxide. The carriers are liquid materials delivering pigments under the skin with no clumping and some disinfecting actions. Frequently used carriers are Listerine, propylene glycol, vodka and glycerin. Notice the quality of these two when you buy cheap tattoo ink.
And then, the tattoo ink colors.
Tattoo ink supplies can be found here and there both in local markets and online stores. The basic tattoo ink colors are green, red, purple, yellow, orange, blue, brown and white. They can be mixed to make other colors. Some other frequently used colors are gold, magenta, ecru, crimson red, mud red etc. when choosing tattoo ink colors, besides the coordination of all the designs, you should think about the risks of the chosen ink color, or you may run into troubles.
so next time when you enter the tattoo shop and want to tattoo, you need to take these factors into your consideration.
Friday, 11 April 2014
How to use tattoo transfer paper
If you're going to get a tattoo and have picked out the line drawing you want, you may be wondering how the artist transfers the drawing to your skin safely. Luckily, there's a very easy technique involving tattoo transfer paper that is safe and is pain free. Does this Spark an idea?
Notice that tattoo transfer paper has two distinct sides; one is shiny, the other is darker and not shiny. The dark, nonshiny side is the side to lay on the skin.
Trace each line of the picture with the sharp pencil, making sure that the paper doesn't move out of its position. You can tell which lines you have traced and which you haven't by looking at it from the side; you'll be able to see the pencil lines easily.
Dampen the skin where you want to place the tattoo with either soap and water or stick deodorant.
Place the thermographic transfer paper onto the dampened skin and press gently. Do not allow the paper to shift or the drawing won't transfer properly. If it does shift, you'll have to remove the ink and start over.
Peel the paper off the skin, gently. If done correctly, the line drawing is now on the skin in a bluish-purplish ink that will eventually wash off.
Check with your client again to make sure the drawing is in the correct location and is the correct size.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Dragonhawk tattoo supply: your trusted friend
As the popularity of the tattoo, the tattoo supply has also becoming more and more advanced and upgrading. I guess if you are a beginner you must feel confused about the brand of the tattoo supplies. And wondering which one is the best for you to choose. Maybe i could do you a favor with my professional knowledge. And also you could treat it as a reference when shopping the tattoo supply online or in local stores.
I want to introduce the dragonhawk tattoo supply to you. Maybe you are not strange to this brand, which is a professional manufactures of the tattoo supply. And you occasionally heard from your friends that they often use the these supplies to complete their jobs. DragonHawk is a company ,which is established in 2001 and specializing in tattoo supply,tattoo kit, tattoo machine and other equipment to the beginners or the tattoo artists. This company has been insisting on offering the high quality products to the customers. So the dragonhawk tattoo supplies they sell is good in quality and low in price. and their products have enjoyed the high reputation in overseas markets and won the wide praise from peers. If you purchase the tattoo supply on the website, and you should not worry about the delivery. Because the dragonhawk tattoo supply have the warehouse in USA,UK,Canada,Australia and Germany.
Dear friends, if you do not know to purchase which one ,why not do not you choose the dragonhawk tattoo supplier. In this case, you do not need spend time on searching online shop or hanging out the reality shop. Purchasing a reliable product just like make a reliable friend. You could believe its quality even though they do not promise you anything.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Purchase Dragonhawk tattoo supply online
I guess many people had ever used the dragonhawk tattoo supplies, and maybe you just use the tattoo machine or tattoo needles or other tattoo suppliers, but whatever you buy from dragonhawk you will find it is durable and qualified. There is also a website of the dragonhawk selling all of the dragonhawk tattoo supplies. And the online shop is, which is help you search more products and purchase them online in this case save your time to pick up.
On the dragonhawk online shop,you not only could retail but also wholesale products according to your requirement. However if you wholesale some tattoo supplies you often could get a lower price. They also could guarantee you a fast delivery, no matter where you are,because they have many warehouses all over the world, such as USA,UK and Canada.
Dragonhawk tattoo supplies conclude anything you need to tattoo for your work. Such as transfer supply,ink accessories,and medical care and so on.all these things are necessary for the tattoo artist and the customers. You want to set up a good brand and then you should purchase the high quality products for the clients.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Dragonhawk tattoo supply worth the price you pay
Tattoo has becoming more and more popular in our daily life, there are increasing number of tattoo supplier has come into the sight of the people. And people are no longer to use the hand-made tattoo machine and tattoo needles to make tattoo a tattoo on human’s body. With the upgrading and advancement of the tattoo supply, there are lots of different brands of tattoo supply in the present market. So for some beginners they do not know how to choose the best one for themself due to lacking of the professional knowledge. If you ask me what brand is good i will tell you the dragonhawk tattoo supply is not a bad choice.
Search the internet – One of the best sources to find cheap tattoo guns is on the web. In case you know what kind of machine or tattoo gun you are looking for, the internet offers you great deals without even having to lower the equality. In case you are a beginner in tattoo business you would surely want an affordable price on the machine and upgrade it in the future. There are several auction sites along with authorized dealers online with their websites that have information about the machines and its usability. So just compare different deals offered by online dealers in order to get cheap tattoo guns. And i f you search the good tattoo supply, you will find there are lots of high comment on the dragonhawk tattoo supply. It is not the advertisement but the real praise.
In a word, it’s quite important to cooperate with the proper tattoo suppliers.
Once you have establish the business relationship with dragonhawk manufactures, you will believe the quality of the dargonhawk tattoo supply is good.
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